Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Spring Semester

So..I am in my second day of Spring semester and all I can say is WHOA!!! I am actually really happy to be back in school. The last semester I took nothing but online classes and this semester is jam-packed with face-to-face classes. Don't get me wrong...I will miss being able to do my homework and classwork whenever I wanted and not have to drive to school, but what I can say is that I missed the one-on-one interactions I had not only with my professors and my classmates. Plus I am only a few semesters away until GRADUATION!!!

I know that my happiness will soon fade because even though the start of the semester is always laid back, the middle and end of the semester is when I start going CRAZY!!

Well, I am off to get a bite to eat, these back to back three hour classes have me starving by the end of the day.

Tata for now :)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Okay! I have been such a bad blogger. I created this thing last year because I wanted to chronicle my love of makeup and what not...but sadly I have failed to do so. And it already is 2011! Can you believe it? We are already almost 2 weeks into the new year. Lots has happened since I first began this blog. Many changes... What I like about a new year is that it brings about a sense of starting over, or a new beginning. I like to begin a new year with a fresh slate, you know, sort of plan out what I would like to accomplish by the end of the year. I have no resolutions just a simple "live life" motto that I want to go ahead and live by this year.

The one thing that I do know is what I want to update my blog as much as possible :)! Until next time.