Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I'm jumping on the blog train

So, I finally did it. After months of contemplating about whether or not to start a blog I decided why not? The internet is a place where people can come and share their ideas and opinions on just about anything so why shouldn't I? Anywho, a little about myself my name is Annissa pronounced uh-knee-suh or to make things a little bit easier just Nisa. I'm in my 4th year of college and starting on my 5th year this Fall. My ultimate goal is to become an R.N. Its been a long tough journey but I'm more than halfway through and only that much closer :). Even though being a student does take up much of my time I absolutely love anything and everything make-up. I have always been fascinated with the make-up industry and even contemplated about becoming a make-up artist, but I decided to go the medical route instead. With that being said, I still am an absolute make-up junkie and am thinking about even starting up a side business as a freelance make-up artist while I'm going to school. What college student doesn't need to pick up a little extra cash whenever he or she can right? I am barely starting out on this make-up venture but I think I am ready for it. Well, hopefully this first blog has been interesting to you all and has given you a bit of info about me and my interests. Bye for now.

1 comment:

  1. LOL yeah i want to be a lawyer but i have hopes of doing make up on the side also! lol Join the club!

